

2021 Wymondham Arts Centre - Flora in Extremis: joint exhibition with photographer Malcolm Clarke
2022 Online exhibition of work from OCA Creative Arts Department Creative Arts Showcase
2023 Online exhibition OCA Degree Show Showcase
2024 Norwich University of the Arts - Process Exhibited with other MA students

Coe, R., Lee, N. M., & Osbourn, A. (2022). Inspired by surimono: Integrating photography and poetry to bring plants into focus. Plants, People, Planet, 4( 2), 136– 142.
Coe, R. & Osbourn, A. (2023) Photosurimono, Steel Jackdaw Magazine Edition 9 January 2023. pp 65-67
Coe, R. (2023) Neonicotinoids Project, Steel Jackdaw Magazine Edition 10 April 2023. pp 7-9 

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